Saturday, June 6, 2015

Chapters 6 and 10

In chapters 6 & 10 there were several good points made about technology in the classroom. Virtual Learning classes (p.142) are something I connected with. The Assistive technologies are concepts I would like to extend my knowledge of (p.259). The WebQuest (p.139) is something that looks like I definitely will enjoy, but challenging at the same time.

In my opinion Virtual Schools are becoming more and more popular today.  They make it easier for the working class people to attend college to seek degrees that they might not have been able to get when they were younger. For the high school students, the number of virtual school classes seems to be increasing. These schools are perfect for someone that might suffer from anxiety, social disorders or lacking the proper credits to graduate from school.

Assistive technologies are something that I feel a tradition classroom cannot get enough of. In the schools now they have integrated students with learning disabilities (IEP, 504 plans) into classes with student that might not require as much help as others. These technologies, such as the digital pen, can even assist ESOL students.

The WebQuest seems as if it can be pretty challenging. I am not a big fan of research projects. In the text (p.140) they compared the WebQuest to a research project. I personally have never completed a WebQuest, but I am looking forward to the challenge.

As I read over these two chapters I enjoy reading about some of the technology that I have used before. There is so much out there to keep up with, so when I discover something I already know about it feels good.

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin, Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

1 comment:

  1. You did a nice job on creating your Picktochart as it visually adds to the summary of your writing. You are right about the rich and diverse amount of technology that is out there to impact learning in the classroom (even the virtual ones!). The fact that the technology will continue to change over the next years as it has in the past indicates that we as teachers need to adopt a mindset for learning and that we need to teach students to do the same. It is likely that change will always provide a reason for learning new things, so best to prepare for that challenge. You are doing great with wrestling with the new technologies you've encountered in this class. :)
